Saturday 30 July 2011

How to upload a podcast

These instructions are for the person who's uploading new podcasts.

You'll need to upload the mp3 file of the podcast to the web. To do that go here.

On the top right hand of the page you'll find a button titled SHARE. Click on that button, then click on it again (you need to push it twice for some reason) and a file upload menu should appear. Find the mp3 file of the sermon on your computer that you want to upload.

Wait for the file to upload then fill in the title details -
Title: begin the title PIC Podcast Ephesians then call it whatever the chapter and verse numbers of the sermon are.
Description: Ephesians
Keywords: PIC, Podcast, Ephesians
Author: whoever the speaker was
Creative commons license: Allow commercial uses: No Allow modifications: No. Then select the license.
Click Proceed

Once you've done all that click SHARE MY FILE and you should get a page that says your page is ready and then gives you an address. Click on the address.

Now you should see a page with the file information for your uploaded mp3 file. Toward the bottom right hand side of the page you should see some size information on your file in blue colour. It should say something like 12.2MB or some size like that. Right click on this number and choose the copy link location. This is the file.

Setting the Parameters for the Automatic Player on the Site

Go to this website for instructions on altering the parameters:

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